
Please read the following information before getting in touch with the tech support. There's a chance that your question might be answered; it may save you the time you'll need to call us.

The setup guides on this page are all in Adobe PDF format. You will need to use Adobe's Acrobat Reader program to view these. This is a free download from here. Also, we recommend saving the PDFs to your hard drive first and then opening them for viewing. To do this, right-click the links and choose "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." (the exact text varies from browser to browser).

Dial-Up Settings for Initial Setup or Converting Connection to MidIowa Net

Setup Guides for DSL

Converting MidIowa Net E-mail Accounts Prior to Server Change

Web Pages

For common pieces of information you may need, click here. This page has generic server information for users comfortable with pieces of software that are not listed above.